American Political Society: Political Values, the Structure of Politics, and the Trump Phenomenon – John Pottenger

În cadrul reuniunii grupului de reflecţie IEM: “GLOBAL 3G – Repoziţionarea actorilor economici în Globalizare, impactul Geopolitic şi Geostrategic”, domnul profesor John Pottenger a susţinut prezentarea American Political Society: Political Values, the Structure of Politics, and the Trump Phenomenon”.

Dr. John Pottenger has been a National Endowment for the Humanities research fellow at UCLA and UC Berkeley on the philosophy and history of the scientific revolution; a Mellon Foundation seminar director at the College of William and Mary on liberation theology; a guest speaker at Moscow State University, USSR, on American political science; a visiting professor at the Romanian-American University in Bucharest on public policy and democracy; and a lecturer and workshop facilitator for the U.S. Department of State in Egypt, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan on civil society.

Dr. Pottenger’s research focuses on theoretical issues in classical Platonic philosophy, modern political theory, contemporary political theology, religion and civil society, radical theories of hermeneutics, and Marxist class analysis. To date, he has published two books: Reaping the Whirlwind: Liberal Democracy and the Religious Axis (Georgetown University Press) and The Political Theory of Liberation Theology: Toward a Reconvergence of Social Values and Social Science (State University of New York Press).  A third book, Philosophical Foundations of the Religious Axis: Religion and Politics in the Liberal-Democratic State, is underway and forthcoming for Palgrave Macmillan’s book series in Religion, Politics, and Policy.  He has also contributed numerous articles to edited volumes and journals, including work published in Interpretation: A Journal of Political PhilosophyCentral Asian SurveyInternational Journal of Social Economics, and American Review of Politics, among others.

Reuniunea a avut loc  în ziua de Joi, 28 Martie 2019, ora 12.30, la Sala de Conferinţe a IEM din Calea 13 Septembrie Nr. 13, sector 5, Bucureşti.