Faculty of International Business and Economics from Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University of Bucharest associated with The Institute for…
Conferinte organizate de IEM
- Conferinte organizate de IEMConferinte organizate de IEMEvenimenteEvenimente
- 2019-20202019-2020
Invitation to atend the online event entitled ”HOW LIBERTY NOT INVESTMENT OR STEALING OR LEGAL CHANGE, MADE US RICH” on November 17th, 2020”
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanThe Institute for World Economy organizes the conference “HOW LIBERTY NOT INVESTMENT OR STEALING OR LEGAL CHANGE, MADE…
- 2019-20202019-2020
International Conference “Challenges in the New Era of Globalization”
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanInternational Conference “Challenges in the New Era of Globalization“ December the 14th and 15th, 2020, Bucharest Institute for…
The Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy in association with Institute of BAS: Economic Research Institute at Bulgarian…
The Institute for World Economy organizes the conference “The Pandemic Interventionism” held by the famous libertarian economist, WALTER…
- 2019-20202019-2020
Invitation to atend the online event entitled ”HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS” on 13 October 2020
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanThe Institute for World Economy has the pleasure to invite you to attend, on October 13th 2020, between 14:00 and 21:00,…
- Conferinte organizate de IEMConferinte organizate de IEMEvenimenteEvenimente
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanInstitutul de Economie Mondiala are placerea sa va invite, in perioada 7-9 mai 2020 sa participati la conferinta “ 3 DAYS OF PHILOSOPHICAL,…
- 2017 - 20182017 - 2018Conferinte organizate de IEMConferinte organizate de IEMEvenimenteEvenimente
International Conference “Challenges in the New Era of Globalization”
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanInternational Conference “Challenges in the New Era of Globalization“ December the 13rd and 14th, 2018, Bucharest Institute for…