Digital government for green municipalities and cities (DiGreen) KA220 Cooperation Partnerships Project number: 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023505 Poster link…
- Conferinte organizate de IEMConferinte organizate de IEMEvenimenteEvenimente
The International Conference “Challenges of Doing Business in the Global Economy” (May 13-14, 2022)
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanFaculty of International Business and Economics from Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University of Bucharest associated with The Institute for…
- Conferinte organizate de IEMConferinte organizate de IEMEvenimenteEvenimente
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanInstitutul de Economie Mondiala are placerea sa va invite, in perioada 7-9 mai 2020 sa participati la conferinta “ 3 DAYS OF PHILOSOPHICAL,…
- 2017 - 20182017 - 2018Conferinte organizate de IEMConferinte organizate de IEMEvenimenteEvenimente
International Conference “Challenges in the New Era of Globalization”
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanInternational Conference “Challenges in the New Era of Globalization“ December the 13rd and 14th, 2018, Bucharest Institute for…
- 2017 - 20182017 - 2018Conferinte organizate de IEMConferinte organizate de IEMEvenimenteEvenimente
The 12th Romanian – Hungarian Academic Round Table
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanThe Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy in association with The Institute of World Economy, Centre for Economic…
- 20182018EvenimenteEvenimente
The Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy: Do Macroprudential Regulation and Central Bank Independence Influence the Transmission of Interest Rates?
by Daniel Bulinby Daniel BulinMr. Alin Marius ANDRIEȘ, Phd, had given the “The Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy: Do Macroprudential Regulation and Central…
- 2017 - 20182017 - 2018EvenimenteEvenimente
The 3rd Romania – China Academic Round Table
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanThe Institute for World Economy in association with Institutes from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing: The Institute of…
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CALL FOR PAPERS The 12th Romanian – Hungarian Academic Round Table
by Emilia Bălanby Emilia BălanCALL FOR PAPERS The 12th Romanian – Hungarian Academic Round Table “Romania and Hungary in the globalised world and…