Manuela Cristina Unguru

by Cristi Moisoiu

Manuela Unguru is a senior researcher at the Institute of World Economy of The Romanian Academy with over 20 years of experience in public policy evaluation. She has been involved in qualitative and quantitative research projects in a broad range of fields, such as: competitiveness, foreign trade, information society, education, labour market and agriculture.
She has also been appointed as national expert in a number of international projects of The World Bank and The European Commission (DG REGIO & DG AGRI), contributing to the implementation of various modeling tools at macro and sectorial level: HERMIN (macromodel for ex-ante structural funds analysis, implemented by DG-REGIO), HEROM (HERMIN-type macromodel, implemented by the Romanian National Commission for Economic Forecasting), ROM-E3 (CGE model for Romania used for energy and climate change policies assessment implemented by The World Bank and the Romanian Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests), TIMES (energy supply model, for the Ministry of Energy), AGMEMOD (agriculture model, commisioned by DG AGRI).
Mrs. Unguru holds a MSc in Engineering – Automation and Computer Science (1991) and a PhD in Economics (1999). She was a research fellow at WIIW, Austria (1998-1999) and postdoctoral fellow at INRA LERECO, France (1999-2001). She also received the prestigious Romanian Academy Award for Economics „Virgil Madgearu” in 2000.