Eugen Andreescu

(6 iunie 1956 – 12 mai 2014)

Personal details

Position: senior research fellow


Fields of research

Macroeconomics and International economics (International Monetary System, Stock Exchange analyst, Macro Policies)

EU integration

EU fiscal policies

financial crisis and structural changes in world economy

Work experience

1984-: research fellow, Institute for World Economy,

1994-1995: Expert, member of Snagov Secretariat, Academia de Studii Economice, Bucuresti, Romania

1995: Coordinator for Technical Secretariat of the National Commission for the Preparedness for Romanian EU’s Integration. Romanian Academy, Institute for World Economy

1994-1996 Associate Professor “Petru Andrei” University, Iasi, Romania

1981-1984: UJECOOP, Giurgiu, Romania. Economist

2009-           Euro Team Member – Consultative Group under European Commission – Economic and Financial Affairs DG (External communication) supervision

Language skills

French: fluent

English: intermediate/basic

Selected publications


Eugen Andreescu et al. (1997), The World Economy, Editura Didactica şi Pedagogică, Bucharest, Romania;

Stolojan, Voiculescu, Serbănescu, Andreescu et al. (1999), Lupta cu noi înşine, Editura Economică;

Andreescu et al., (2003), Piaţa unică şi cele 4 libertăţi fundamentale ale UE, the 2nd Chapter, Libera circulaţie a capitalurilor, Editura Politeia-SNSPA;

Andreescu et al (2006), The World Economy in the 2010, 2020, 2050 Horizons in the Durable Development Perspective, „The Global Dimension of Durable Development, Expert Publishing House, ISBN 973-7885-53-8;

Andreescu, et al (2005), The Euro and The New Member States” in “Globalization, European Integration and Economic Transformation, Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, ISBN 963 301 465 4;

Andreescu et al (2005), Euro-Dollar competition in the 2015 perspective, The 14th Chapter 14, „The Global and European in context of Romanian development, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ISBN 973-87479-1-0, ISBN 978-973-87479-1-3;

Andreescu et al., (2007), Economie, instituţii şi integrare europeană, the 1st Chapter, Politica monetară a UE, Editura ASE

Andreescu et al. coordinator, (1994-1996). PHARE Programme ”Enchevetrement industriel et gravitation commerciale: Límplication d;un modele du commerce exterieur pour l‟analyse de la cooperation industrielle EST-OUEST

Eugen Andreescu et al. (1997), The World Economy, Editura Didactica şi Pedagogică, Bucharest, Romania;

Stolojan, Voiculescu, Şerbănescu, Andreescu et al. (1999), Lupta cu noi înşine, Editura Economică;

Andreescu et al., (2003), Piaţa unică şi cele 4 libertăţi fundamentale ale UE, the 2nd Chapter, Libera circulaţie a capitalurilor, Editura Politeia-SNSPA;

Andreescu et al (2006), The World Economy in the 2010, 2020, 2050 Horizons in the Durable Development Perspective’, ‘The Global Dimension of Durable Development’, Expert Publishing House, ISBN 973-7885-53-8;

Andreescu, et al (2005), The Euro and The New Member States” in “Globalization, European Integration and Economic Transformation, Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest,ISBN 963 301 465 4;

Andreescu et al (2005), Euro-Dollar competition in the 2015 perspective, The 14th Chapter 14, ‘The Global and European in context of Romanian development’, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ISBN 973-87479-1-0, ISBN 978-973-87479-1-3;

Andreescu et al., (2007), Economie, instituţii şi integrare europeană, the 1st Chapter, Politica monetară a UE, Editura ASE;

Andreescu et al. (2008), Procesul de integrare a României în economia europeană. Dimensiuni istorice şi contemporane, the 19th Chapter, Drumul către euro, Editura ASE;

Research Projects-Romanian Academy Programmes:

Andreescu et al., (2012), The Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Reform of the European Treaties. The Impact on the Euro Currency and the East-European Countries – coordinator;

Poladian, Albu, Andreescu et al., (2012), Structural Changes in the World Economy Induced by the Financial and Economic Crisis. A Cross-Country Analysis of Economic Development Models in Terms of Crisis-Resilience-part of the Romanian Academy Research Projects;

Poladian, Albu, Andreescu et al. (2010-2011) Major Changes in the World Economy as an International Financial Crisis Consequence”- research study coordinator- part of the Romanian Academy Research Projects;

Andreescu, Albu, et al, (2011), “A re-evaluation of Eurozone admission”, research study – part of the Romanian Academy Research Projects- Coordinator;

Albu, Andreeescu, et al. (2012), The OECD Member Countries: Current Economic Situation and Prospects;

PHARE Programmes

Andreescu et al. coordinator, (1994-1996) ”Enchevêtrement industriel et gravitation commerciale: L’implication d’un modèle du commerce extérieur pour l’analyse de la coopération industrielle EST-OUEST;

CERES Programmes

Andreescu, et al., (2002), Procese definitorii şi tendinţe în integrarea economică europeană. Strategii de dezvoltare economică a României în perspectiva integrării în UE- P3.1.3., Stage- Efectele lărgirii spre Est asupra UE- coordinator;;

Andreescu, et al. (2005-2007), Dezvoltarea durabilă a României în context european şi mondial, Chapter coordinator, Economia mondială la orizontul anilor 2025-2030.