Personal details

Position:Senior research fellow (CS II)

Date of birth:1950


Fields of research

Energy policies, EU energy markets liberalization

World economy and international economics;

Industrial  policies

Competition policy

European integration (institutions, common policies, governance, internal market) ;

Commodity markets and raw materials markets

Oil, petroleum products and natural gas markets

Education and degrees

1969-1973: Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Faculty of International Economic Relations

1973: Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy, Research Fellow

1980: Graduate -training course in pharmaceutical products marketing: Paris, Geneva

Work experience

1973-1976:   Research Assistant IEM

1976-1983:   Scientific Researcher

1983-1989:   Senior Research Fellow III

1990-2013:   Senior research fellow II, Institute for World Economy

1991-1995:   Consultant, Promarket SRL

Consultant : Romgaz R.A. (1990-1997); Transgaz S.A. (1997-2001); Alro Slatina (2003-2009); SNP Petrom (1998-1999)


Romanian Association of Economists

Think-Thank group “Functional market economy” within the Chamber of Trade and Industry

Language skills

English: fluent

French: fluent

Selected publications

SPOS Project 2008 – Strategy and Policy Studies – Study no. 2, “Directions regarding Romania’s energy security” – Author of Renewable energy sources)expert/author, English/Romanian versions – 2008; European Institute of Romania, Phare funds

Project “Strategy and policy studies”- Study no.3, “Strategic Directions of Sustainable Development in Romania” – English/Romanian versions- 2006; author of the energy part, Cap.1.3.3: Integration of environment policy in EU energy policy ;Cap.4 – Environment policy and energy policy; Cap.5.5.5: Production and energy consumption; energy efficiency; Cap. 5.5.6: Renewable sources of energy; European Institute of Romania, Phare funds

PHARE Project- PAIS-2 (Pre-accession impact studies) – Study no.10: ”State aid granted to some sensitive sectors in Romania” (Author: iron and steel industry ), English/Romanian versions- 2003-2004;

Phare Project PAIS-1(Pre-accession impact studies)-Study no.3”; Liberalization of public utilities markets and EU accession of Romania – expert/author (Natural gas market) English/Romanian versions- 2001-2002; European Institute of Romania, Bucharest;

Policies for ensuring the security of gas supply in view of Romania‘s accession to the EU (44 pages), ISSN 1842-1342; collection IEM synthesis „Romania in the European and global economic context” ISSN 1842-1342;

European and global dimension of sustainable development„, Expert Publishing House, 2007, Ch.4.2. „EU industrial policy”

Contributions to the post-accession Strategy of Romania”, Romanian Academy version subsections: Energy policy of Romania in 2000-2006,

The institutional convergence ‘- Economic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008 (January 2008) Author: Chapter 1: Institutional Convergence in the context of European integration and the requirements of the new economy (22 pages) Chapter 7:” Institutional reform through the legislative building, growth performance of public administration, institutional culture, acquis communautaire „(33 pages)

„Energy in the course competitiveness- global warming” – Expert Publishing House, 2007, Bucharest (IEM coordinator, Dr.Virginia Câmpeanu) Author: Part I, Chapter 6: „The current situation and development potential of renewable energy in Romania” (35 pages) Part II, Chapter 1: „Energy from the perspective of sustainable development in the EU and in Romania” (35 pages)

Personalities and Romanian economic institutions – Romania’a added value to European identity” (2012) Author Chapter X, pag.259-263, 291-296, 317-322