Impactul transformărilor economice

by tom

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The Impact of socio-economic and technological transformations at national, European and international level is a quarterly journal focused on analysis, insights and data related to questions of importance in understanding the world economy.


The Impact of socio-economic and technological transformations is indexed in:  RePEcNOS, SSRN, DRJI, BDI – Open Access Journals and ARI

ISSN: 2393-3240

ISSN-L: 2393-3240

Our areas of interest include:

– economics research, international economics, regional economics, reviews of the main macroeconomic indicators, sector analyses, trade and commerce policies (information on major international markets condition and economic sectors, as well as the latest rates and trends in both commodity & foreign exchange markets) environmental economics, tourism economics, finance, banking, insurance, business, energy economics, transportation economics, and other economic topics;

– the latest policy and legislative initiatives regarding the EU Internal Market and Competition Policy; the most recent developments in economics, trade and common policies of the European Union, relevant case studies for the application of EU competition law by the European Commission and their direct consequences for economic development of the Member States and free competition on the Single Market.

The journal includes also researches elaborated in the framework of European Programme „Doctorial and post-doctorial programs for research support” (”Horizon 2020 – Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies: Promoting the National Interest through Excellence, Competitiveness and Responsibility in the Field of Romanian Fundamental and Applied Economic Research”) and papers presented at national and international conferences organized by Institute for World Economy and its partners.

Our work is mainly of interest to academic economists, analysts and policy-advisers, decision makers in politics & economics, organizations and individuals in the financial sector, business-people, etc.

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