Simona Moagăr-Poladian

Simona Moagăr-Poladian is reserch fellow and Director of Institute for World Economy (IWE) of the Romanian Academy. She obtained her Bachelor degree in economics from the Academy of Economic Studies, Economic Cybernetics and Prognosis, in 1991 and Ph.D. degrees in Economics at Academy of Economic Studies in 1999.  Her main field of reserch: European monetary policy, EU enlargement, International financial crises. In the same time she is member of Euroteam and member of the Interinstitutional Comitee of the Romanian Ministry of Economy for Industrial Policy. Her main academic interests include also the coordination of “Structural Changes of the World Economy” one of the Academic programme for 2013.

Personal details

Position: Director, senior research fellow (CS I)

Date of birth: 1968


Fields of research

European monetary policy

EU enlargement

Constitutional and institutional EU’s reform

International financial crises

Trade flows in the New Member States

Financial Management

Education and degrees

1995-1999:   PhD in Economics, Academy of Economic Studies

1986-1991:   BA, Academy of Economic Studies, Economic Cybernetics and Prognosis

Work experience

2001- : Institute for World Economy

2008: IRECSON, Romania, Associate Professor

1994-1999:ANTENA 1, TV reporter and analyst

Language skills

English: fluent

Swedish: basic/intermediate

Selected publications

Global Sourcing Of Services: How Well Are The New EU Member States Coping With The Challenges? (part I and part II). Agnes Ghibutiu, Simona Poladian, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting ISSN 1582-6163 (ISI Journal), 2009

Global Sourcing and the New Member States: Seizing the Growth Opportunities and Facing the Challenges. Agnes Ghibutiu, Simona Poladian, RESER Conference papers Stuttgart 25, 26 September 2008

The World Economy in the 2010, 2020, 2050 Horizons in the Durable Development Perspective’, chapter 6 coordinator and chapter 2 coauthor, in ‘The Global Dimension of Durable Development’, Expert Publishing House, ISBN 973-7885-53-8, 2006;

Euro-Dollar competition in the 2015 perspective, chapter 14 in ‘The Global and European in context of Romanian development’, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ISBN 973-87479-1-0, ISBN 978-973-87479-1-3, 2005 ;

Theories and Models in International Economic Relations, ERA Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; ISBN 973-8008-36-0, 2000;

European Economic Integration, ERA Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; ISBN 973-8008-37-9, 2000.