Workshop China-România, iunie 2010



Institutul Naţional de  Cercetări Economice


Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13,  Sector 5, Bucureşti, România, cod poştal 050711, c.p. 42-13,

  Tel: 40-21-318.24.55; 318.24.60; Fax: 40-21-318.24.54; E-mail:


The Global Economic Crisis – Challenges and Opportunities
China and Romania – Bilateral Cooperation
Date: Tuesday, June, the 3rd, 2010
11.00 – 13.00
Venue: The Academz House, The Institute for World Economy,
The Council Room

10.30: Welcome and Introduction
Welcoming Speech – Dr. Ciupagea Constantin, Director of The Institute for World Economy (IWE)    (
Welcoming Speech – Professor Dr. Virginia Câmpeanu, Scientific Director of The Institute for World Economy (IWE)    (
11.0013.00: Oral presentations and debates on: The impact of the global economic crisis on the Chinese, the Romanian and the EU economies – a comparative analysis; the Chinese economic stimulus programme – pros and cons, visible results and hiden threats; turning opportunities to good account during the crisis – the China case;  Chinese selective industrial policies by main selected industry – expected outcomes; the new layout of world economic landscape, after the global crisis.
Participants in debates:

• Professor dr. Chen Xin, Secretary General, the Chinese Association for European Studies, Associate Professor with the Institute for European Studies, Chinese Acadey For Social Sciences;

•  Dr. Ciupagea Constantin, Director of the Institute for World Economy (IWE);

•  Professor Dr. Virginia Campeanu,Scientific Director of the Institute for World Economy (IWE);

•  Dr. Sarmiza Pencea, Senior Researcher I, with IWE;

•  Dr. Iulia-Monica Oehler Sincai, Senior researcher III with IWE;

•  Dr. Ecaterina Stanculescu, Senior researcher I with IWE;

•  Dr. Andreea Dragoi, Senior researcher III with IWE;

•  Drd. Ionela Băltăţescu, Senior researcher III with IWE;

•  Drd. Cristina Bâlgăr, Senior researcher III with IWE;